Friday, July 14, 2006

Bitter.... Sweet... Rain

well... well... well... what have we have here? when i wake up this morning... there's a sudden quote flashback in my mind... quotes of boys be... have seen that anime?

you see... in every episode there's a quote flash before it start... and the one that i've been thinking of this morning was this quote...

"Nobody can stop the flow of time, but a moment captured in the frame of the heart will never disappear. That will shown at the bottom of their hearts will always give off a great feeling... sweet... and bitter"

the reason why i remeber this one was the thought that my ex and i never had a picture.... we've been in each other's company for about... let me see... five years and everytime we always forgot to take our picture everytime e planned it....

although we dont have a picture.... i still become a part of his memory.... a memory which can be deleted or cant be torn into pieces....memory stays forever... and he and i have a picture of each other in our memory... in our history... in our story.... in our life that will stay forever.

it was raining here... its been a week since it start raining here... and rain... brings back memories... bitter... sweet.... happy... sad... success and failure..

1 comment:

katrina said...

memories cannot be erased..

conciously that is.

y'know there's always AMNESIA ^_^
